Monday, February 24, 2014


Sometimes we expect a person to act like a Christian just because they go to church.  Going to church doesn't make someone a Christian any more than going to the beach makes someone a fish.

It's dangerous when people think they are Christians merely because they act like one.  The Bible talks a lot about what it takes to become a Christian.  It's not about being good or acting like a Christina would act.  It's about ACCEPTING what God has done for us and knowing that He will do the same for others.  He ACCEPTED us.  We can ACCEPT others.

Becoming a Christian means admitting we have not lived up to God's expectation, asking for his forgiveness, and then ACCEPTING Jesus to be the leader of our life.  Admit, Ask, and ACCEPT are the steps to beginning a new friendship with God.

Seeing is believing - sometimes.  Remember the story of Saul?  He had given the Christians such a hard time, no one believed he had become a Christian.  Check it out in Acts 9:26-28.

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. If someone offered you a gift, would you ACCEPT it even though you didn't know what it was?  Why or why not?  How do you think it would make them feel if you rejected their gift without opening it?
  2. What does ACCEPTING others look like?
  3. Why should we ACCEPT someone if they are not a Christian yet?
  4. How does Jesus make a person a Christian?
  5. How can I show others I ACCEPT them?

BGMC Challenge for February:  Who can bring the most pennies on March 2?

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