Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

Round 4 of The Fight Club Sessions - "Seize the Vision"

This morning, how about a cup of Costa Rica La Minita from The Kaffeeklatch in Huntsville, AL?  Elegant, refined and complex, this internationally known single-estate coffee has bright acidity, medium body and sweet flavors of citrus, caramelized sugar and fine chocolate. A veritable symphony of flavors!  Enjoy!

If you want to see God do something impossible in your life, you have to open you heart and mind to God's vision for your life.  You have to seize it.

As Joshua steps up to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, based on the number of times "be strong and courageous" appears in Joshua 1, I think he might be a little scared.  And, understandably so!  Joshua had been a faithful second in command for many years, but he had a tough act to follow.  For the Hebrews, Moses was a legend in his own time.  He was like the President, Chief Justice and Joint Chiefs all-in-one.  Now, Moses had died and Joshua was next in line.  But, note this - the vision wasn't in question: occupy the Promised Land.  Joshua had to seize the vision.

God stepped in with encouragement.  Just as God was with Moses, so He would also be with Joshua.  It seemed to work!  Within moments, Joshua began issuing orders to get the campaign under way.

If you've received a vision from God, you need to seize it too.  Don't put it off.  Stop trying to have all the answers before launching out in faith.  If you're on God's side, then God is on your side.  And, if God is for us, who can every be against us?  All God needs is all you've got.  Give it to Him today.

Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moment - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Have you ever faced a seemingly impossible situation and someone's words of encouragement helped you through?  Tell the story.
  2. Read Hebrews 13:5-6.  What does that mean to you?
  3. Knowing the right thing and doing the right thing are two different things; like knowing the vision and seizing the vision. 
    • Talk about a time when you knew the right thing to do but didn't do it. 
    • Talk about a time when you knew the right thing to do, were a bit afraid of doing it, but did it anyway.
    • How did you feel after each of these events?

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