Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

Round 5 of The Fight Club Sessions - "The Perhaps Paradox"

This morning, how about a Cafecito from Crema in Nashville, TN?  With a hint of Nutella, Maple, and Cantaloupe, this espresso sweetened with demerara sugar as it's being brewed is sure to kick-start your day.  Enjoy!

There's a story in the Old Testament where Jonathan recruits his armor bearer to join him in a two-man raid on a Philistine camp.  In his motivational speech to his bodyguard, Jonathan seems to be speaking out of both sides of his mouth.  On one hand, "nothing can hinder the Lord."  On the other, "perhaps the Lord will act."

Perhaps true faith feels the same way.  On one hand, I know that God is able to do anything.  On the other hand, I think He's willing to do this specific thing.  I know God can.  And I'm pretty sure He will.  But I can't be completely sure.  That's where audacious faith comes in.  Audacity isn't the absence of uncertainty.  Audacity is believing that God's promise is bigger than my perhaps.

Act on your "perhaps", and see what God will do in your world!

Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moment - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Tell about a time where you were asked to do something seemingly impossible.
  2. Tell about a time where you seemed to be in an impossible situation: a place where you couldn't go forward, couldn't go back and couldn't stand still.  What did you do?  What'd you learn through that situation?
  3. When you pray, do you really believe that God can answer your prayer?
  4. When you pray, do you really believe that God can use you to answer your prayer?
  5. What "perhaps" are you currently facing?

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