Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This week in youth, we started with a very informal discussion that quickly led to talking about gangs.  Living in northeast Nebraska, where gang activity is minimal, I was a bit surprised, but this seemed to be the topic of interest this week. We talked about why people join gangs, why they stay and why it's often difficult to leave. About halfway through our night, I put in "The Cross and the Switchblade" (1970, MPAA Rating: PG). In spite of it being way old, the students were fully engaged and drawn in. There's violence, some drug use, some language, some short skirts and a guy in his underwear (nothing kids don't regularly see in today's culture), but the redemptive qualities of this movie are outstanding. The work of the Holy Spirit was definately evident in guiding our discussion and my showing this movie this week.

Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. If you committed crimes and went to jail (God forbid), what people or activities would you miss the most?
  2. Why do teenagers join gangs?
  3. What makes you feel "accepted" among your friends?
  4. What are some activities teenagers could get involved in instead of gangs?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


This was the last week of our CATCH series.  Over the past five weeks, we've  focused on the beginning of the church, the importance of being plugged in and CONNECTED to the body.  The life of Paul shows us how to ACCEPT and TREASURE others, face CHALLENGES when times get tough, and HONOR others as Jesus did.

Paul wrote to a church in a place named Thessalonica.  He was encouraging the church to be examples of Jesus by the way they acted toward other people.  Jesus talked about how what goes into our life eventually spills out of our life. The types of things we allow our eyes to see and our ears to hear become a part of who we are.  When we have Jesus in our heart, in our life, he fills us up on the inside - like a cup of water. When life around us gets hard or difficult, we can get angry or mad and stomp off, or we can be kind, loving and understanding of others.  When pushed and shoved our response is love!

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does honoring others look like?
  2. Talk about a time when you were treated unfairly and you responded with love or kindness.
  3. What can keep us from honoring others?
  4. How can God help you honor others?
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This morning, how about a Red Eye from Parisi Artisan Coffee, within the historic Union Station in Kansas City?  This cup of french-press coffee with an espresso kicker will certainly give you the kick you're looking for!  Enjoy!

We're into week three of our All In series.  This week: Rim Huggers.  It's one thing to have a state of the art fishing boat, with all the bells and whistles, all the creature comforts, all the gadgets, the biggest motor, all the latest and greatest equipment and the best fish finding technology money can buy.  It's another thing to actually fish.  It's one thing to stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon and marvel at its beauty.  It's another thing to hike 12 miles, through a one mile descent into the depths of the Grand Canyon and really experience it.  Similarly, there's a world of difference between knowing about God and knowing God.

You don't get to know God by looking at Him from a distance.  You have to hike into the depths of His mercy and power and love and grace!  All it takes is one daring decision.  That's all it ever takes.  It's all of you for all of Him.  It's time to go all in by going all out.

Parent-Teen ConnectTake turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Tell about an epic adventure you engaged in and how you experienced what it felt like to "hike the canyon" instead of "hug the rim."
  2. What does it look like when Christians spend more time talking about faith and less time actually following Jesus?
  3. Read James 1:22-25 together.  What is one biblical truth that you are not obeying?  What do you need to do to be a doer of the Word in this specific area and not deceive yourself?

Monday, March 17, 2014


Being a Christian can sometimes be a really big challenge.  Sometimes when things get tough, we give up easily and stop trying.  We must always remember God is with us in good times and tough times.  If we rely on our own strength, we may get discouraged and give up.  If we rely on God's strength in us, we will be able to "press on" and keep going.

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does a challenging time look like?
  2. How can we respond to challenging times?
  3. What can distract us from trusting God when difficult circumstances enter our life?
  4. How can we trust God in challenging times?
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This morning, how about your favorite cup of black coffee?  Sure, you can add cream or sugar if you'd like.  Enjoy!

We're into the second week of our All In series.  This week: Charge!  On July 2, 1863, Col. Joshua Chamberlain and his 300 soldier regiment were all that was left between the Confederates and certain defeat for the Union at the Battle of Gettysburg.  At 2:30pm, the Confederate Army charged, but Chamberlain and his army held their ground.  It was followed by a second, third, fourth and fifth charge.  Only 80 Union soldiers survived.  In that moment, Chamberlain, a 34 year old school teacher, took a stand that would change history.  Rather than surrender, without reinforcements and with only one round of ammunition per soldier, Chamberlain climbed onto a stone, and gave the command to charge!  With fixed bayonets, his men charged an army that vastly outnumbered them.  That day, they won what ranks as one of the most improbable victories in military history.  80 Union soldiers captured 4,000 Confederate soldiers in 5 minutes flat.  It is believed that if Chamberlain had not taken his stand at Gettysburg, the battle would have been lost, and with it, the war.

Many people play it safe, retreat when things get tough, and slip into predictable and familiar patters.  Christians who are ALL IN take risks, charge forward even when it is tough, and are willing to try new things if there is a chance it will forward the cause of Jesus Christ.

Parent-Teen ConnectTake turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Tell about a time when felt outnumbered, shot at, or knocked down.  How did you respond in that difficult life situation?  How did you experience God's presence with you?
  2. What are ways you see the church charging forward and making a difference for Jesus Christ in the world today?
  3. How can you engage in the ministry of our local church in a way that will forward the powerful work of Jesus Christ in our community?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


About 10 years ago, our family took up Geocaching as a hobby.  In a nutshell, it's using billion dollar satellites in space to find Tupperware in the woods.  To date, we've found 489 "TREASURES", some smaller than a thimble, some big enough for me to fit inside.   There's 150 of them in Norfolk!  To our kids, it's a modern day TREASURE hunt; such a fun family activity.
Most of the things we find while Geocaching aren't very valuable, but when we TREASURE something, we care for it like a TREASURE.  God wants us to care for other people like TREASURE.  Most people are only concerned with their own needs and often forget about others around them  But God TREASURES everyone, so we should too!  We need to see others as God sees them - as incredibly important people.  Some of the ways we can do that include being friendly, being courteous and being helpful.

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does treasuring others feel like?  Talk about a time someone really made you feel special.  Why does it make us feel so good when others treasure us?
  2. What does treasuring others look like?  How would you describe someone who treasures another person?
  3. How can you show others you care for them this week?

March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This morning, how about a Mint Momma from Big Momma's Coffee and Espresso Bar in Springfield, MO?  Two shots of espresso, steamed milk, dark chocolate and frosted mint syrup.  Enjoy!

This week we started a new series this week called All In, based on a book by the same name, written by Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor at National Community Church in Washington, DC. The Gospel costs nothing. You can’t earn it or buy it. It can only be received as a free gift compliments of God’s grace. It doesn’t cost anything, but it demands everything. It demands that we go “All In,” a term that simply means placing all that you have into God’s hands. Pushing it All In. No one has ever sacrificed anything for God. If you always get back more than you gave up, have you sacrificed anything at all? The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice. At the end of the day, our greatest regret will be whatever we didn’t give back to God. What we didn’t push back across the table to Him. Eternity will reveal that holding out is losing out. The message of All In is simple: if Jesus is not Lord of all then Jesus is not Lord at all. It’s all or nothing.
This Week - Now or Never: Pack Your Coffin
A century ago, a band of brave souls became known as one-way missionaries.  They purchased single tickets to the mission field without the return half.  And instead of suitcases, they packed their few earthly belongings into coffins.  As they sailed out of port, they waved good-bye to everyone they loved, everything they knew.  They knew they'd never return home.  They went All In and all out for the All In All.
Here are a few key points:
  • Sinfulness is selfishness.  It's putting your desires, your needs, your plans above all else.  You may still seek God, but you don't seek Him first.
  • You are only one decision away from a totally different life.  It will probably be the toughest decision, but if you have the courage to completely surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, there is no telling what God will do.
  • The complete surrender of your life to the cause of Christ isn't radical.  It's normal.
Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens. 
  1. If you packed everything you needed to follow Jesus for the rest of your life into a wooden coffin, what would you take with you?
  2. Who's following who?  Are you following Jesus, or have you just invited Jesus to follow you?
  3. Pray this prayer together.  "Lord, what do You want me to do with my life?"
  4. Read Joshua 3:5 together.  Consecration means to be set apart.  It demands full devotion.  It's dethroning yourself and enthroning Jesus Christ.  It's giving all of you to all of Him.  What does consecration look like in your life?
  5. What is one step you need to take in the coming days to consecrate yourself to and for God?

Monday, March 3, 2014

BGMC: Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a small country located just above the northwest corner of China.  Kyrgyzstan is the size of the state of Nebraska!

The first United States Assemblies of God missionary couple arrived in 1995.  In 1996, Assemblies of God missionaries opened a Bible college in Bishkek to train new leaders.  Some have already graduated and become pastors.  Today, 10 workers help with the 32 churches, their pastors, and 2,000 members in Kyrgyzstan.  Two Bible schools are teaching 46 new students as well.

BGMC has been a big help to the Bible schools in Kyrgyzstan by providing the translation and printing of needed textbooks and library books.  BGMC has also helped to translate and print various children's books.

Teen Challenge has a center to help those addicted to drugs and alcohol.  BGMC has helped the Teen Challenge center with repairs and remodeling.  BGMC has also helped provide supplies for a women's and children's center.

BGMC is helping to reach the kids in Kyrgyzstan by providing the money to put grass on a ball field and providing baseball equipment to teach kids about baseball.  Sport camps are opening doors to telling kids about Jesus!

Snack: Atkanchay (Kyrgyz Tea, made with tea, milk, butter, sour cream and salt) and Flat Bread (also called Uzbek Bread, being as popular in Uzbekistan as it is in Kyrgyzstan.
Let's Pray....

  • for the health and safety of the workers and pastors in Kyrgyzstan.
  • for new churches and freedom of worship.
  • for the kids of Kyrgyzstan, that they will learn that Jesus loves them and died for them.
  • for the Mission of Mercy Children's Home, that their needs will be provided and that many children can be reached through them.
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.