Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This week in youth, we started with a very informal discussion that quickly led to talking about gangs.  Living in northeast Nebraska, where gang activity is minimal, I was a bit surprised, but this seemed to be the topic of interest this week. We talked about why people join gangs, why they stay and why it's often difficult to leave. About halfway through our night, I put in "The Cross and the Switchblade" (1970, MPAA Rating: PG). In spite of it being way old, the students were fully engaged and drawn in. There's violence, some drug use, some language, some short skirts and a guy in his underwear (nothing kids don't regularly see in today's culture), but the redemptive qualities of this movie are outstanding. The work of the Holy Spirit was definately evident in guiding our discussion and my showing this movie this week.

Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. If you committed crimes and went to jail (God forbid), what people or activities would you miss the most?
  2. Why do teenagers join gangs?
  3. What makes you feel "accepted" among your friends?
  4. What are some activities teenagers could get involved in instead of gangs?

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