Thursday, April 10, 2014

BGMC: Peru

Got a little behind here as we did our 5th Sunday Family Service on March 30 and I was out to District Council this week.

Peru is on the western coast of South America.  Peru is a bit smaller than our biggest state, Alaska.

The first Assemblies of god missionaries arrived in 1919.  They went into mountain villages to preach and start churches.  At times, they were forced out of towns and pelted with stones.  But they kept on telling about Jesus' love and the power of the Holy Spirit to save people.

Today, 14 U.S. Assemblies of God missionaries work with the Peruvian Assemblies of God.  They teach in the Bible schools and plant churches.  More than 330,000 people meet to worship God in more than 4,000 churches.  6,000 ministers are serving these churches and reaching others, and 72 Bible schools around the country are training nearly 3,000 more students.

BGMC is helping reach the children in Peru by providing Royal Rangers materials, Missionettes (Girls Ministries) materials, and Sunday School materials.  BGMC is helping to disciple kids by providing the Peruvian edition of the King's Castle discipleship materials for kids ages 5-8.  BGMC has also helped with the expenses and supplies for various children's outreaches and children's crusades.

Snack: Canchita (Palomitas) - Popcorn!  Like many other places in the world, popcorn is fancied by children.  In Peru, there are numerious "popcorn" varities.  It's not only made from the usual popping corn, but also from large kernels corns, Kiwicha or quinoa (KEEN-wah) giving the good old popcorn a completely new, but interesting and very tasty touch.

Let's Pray....

  • for the kids of Peru, and for the children's workers and missionaries that work to teach them about Jesus.  Pray for the kids in the Latin America Child Care schools and for their families.
  • for the young people of Peru, especially those who struggle with drugs and alcohol.  Pray that they would find Jesus and He would set them free.
  • for pastors and for those who are starting new churches.  Pray that people will come to these churches to learn about Jesus.
April BGMC Challenge - 30 Pieces of SilverJudas, in Matthew 26:14-16, was willing to betray Jesus for 30 silver coins.  Through the month of April, and in conjunction with Easter, we have challenged our kids to collect 30 pieces of "silver" for BGMC.  Instead of using 30 silver coins to betray Christ, we're taking 30 pieces of silver to help spread the Gospel!  Everyone who brings 30 pieces of silver for a BGMC offering on May 4 will receive a prize!

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