Monday, March 17, 2014


Being a Christian can sometimes be a really big challenge.  Sometimes when things get tough, we give up easily and stop trying.  We must always remember God is with us in good times and tough times.  If we rely on our own strength, we may get discouraged and give up.  If we rely on God's strength in us, we will be able to "press on" and keep going.

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does a challenging time look like?
  2. How can we respond to challenging times?
  3. What can distract us from trusting God when difficult circumstances enter our life?
  4. How can we trust God in challenging times?
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

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