Monday, March 3, 2014

BGMC: Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a small country located just above the northwest corner of China.  Kyrgyzstan is the size of the state of Nebraska!

The first United States Assemblies of God missionary couple arrived in 1995.  In 1996, Assemblies of God missionaries opened a Bible college in Bishkek to train new leaders.  Some have already graduated and become pastors.  Today, 10 workers help with the 32 churches, their pastors, and 2,000 members in Kyrgyzstan.  Two Bible schools are teaching 46 new students as well.

BGMC has been a big help to the Bible schools in Kyrgyzstan by providing the translation and printing of needed textbooks and library books.  BGMC has also helped to translate and print various children's books.

Teen Challenge has a center to help those addicted to drugs and alcohol.  BGMC has helped the Teen Challenge center with repairs and remodeling.  BGMC has also helped provide supplies for a women's and children's center.

BGMC is helping to reach the kids in Kyrgyzstan by providing the money to put grass on a ball field and providing baseball equipment to teach kids about baseball.  Sport camps are opening doors to telling kids about Jesus!

Snack: Atkanchay (Kyrgyz Tea, made with tea, milk, butter, sour cream and salt) and Flat Bread (also called Uzbek Bread, being as popular in Uzbekistan as it is in Kyrgyzstan.
Let's Pray....

  • for the health and safety of the workers and pastors in Kyrgyzstan.
  • for new churches and freedom of worship.
  • for the kids of Kyrgyzstan, that they will learn that Jesus loves them and died for them.
  • for the Mission of Mercy Children's Home, that their needs will be provided and that many children can be reached through them.
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

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