Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

How about a cup of Sulawesi Pt Toarco coffee from Beansmith Coffee in Omaha, NE?  Transparent and citric with caramel, green grape and floral flavors, this coffee comes from small producers at the higher altitude areas of Indonesia.  Enjoy!

We continued our "Uncensored Dating" series this week by talking about the process of breaking up without falling apart.  As we've discussed before, 99.9% of all dating relationships don't last, but what's at stake here is much bigger than that.  All of us have been hurt by someone in the past; friends, family, a dating relationship.  The people you love the most have the capability of hurting you the deepest.  But how do you respond when you're hurt?  Like a wounded animal, we're often driven by a "fight or flight" instinct.  But if there's no where to flee - this is your home, your school, your job, your family, your church - we tend to fight.  But God has told us not to fight, but to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39).  The answer is forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not letting the offender off the hook.  Forgiveness is not letting the offense recur again and again.  Forgiveness does not mean we have to revert to being the victim.  Forgiveness is not the same as reconciling.  Forgiving does not mean denying reality or ignoring repeated offenses.  Forgiveness is not based on others' actions but on our attitude.  Forgiveness does not mean forgetting.

Forgiveness is returning to God the right to take care of justice.  Forgiveness is a process, not an event.  It's a choice, not an emotion.

Left unchecked, the bitterness and resentment will eat you alive inside.  When someone hurts us, our natural tendency is to hold on to the pain and to desire to strike back or get even with the offender.  Unforgiveness is like drinking a poison yourself and expecting other people to die from it.

Parent-Teen Connect 
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed. Use one or two of these to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Who do you know that is letting bitterness keep them locked up?  Without giving names, tell their story.
  2. Read Matthew 18:21-22 together.  When we are offended, do you think Jesus tells us to forgive 490 times for our sake or theirs?
  3. Is there anyone you struggle with unforgiveness for and need to choose to forgive them for the first time or the 491st time?  Can you tell the story?

Monday, April 28, 2014

He is Risen!

Jesus did wonderful miracles.  He was a mighty teacher, highly regarded by God and all the people.  But, religious rulers arrested Jesus because they didn't believe he was the son of God.  They handed him over to be condemned to death, and they crucified him.  His followers thought he was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel.  They didn't understand that he actually came to rescue all mankind.

Three days later, some women were at his tomb early in the morning, and they came back with an amazing report!  They said his body was missing, and they had seen angels who told them Jesus is alive!  Some of his followers ran out to see, and sure enough, Jesus' body was gone, just as the women had said!

Jesus died so that we could be friends with God.  Jesus can come into our life like a seed planted in the ground.  When a seed is buried, it can then grow fruit with many seeds.  When Jesus was buried, he did it so that many people could receive forgiveness for their sins.

Connecting Points
Take turns discussing the following questions with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, whenever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What would you do for a friend?  Have you ever given up something for a friend?
  2. How can you get a lot of seeds from just one seed?  Read John 12:24 together.  How is planting a seed similar to what Jesus did when he was buried?
  3. How can Jesus help us grow?  
April BGMC Challenge - 30 Pieces of SilverJudas, in Matthew 26:14-16, was willing to betray Jesus for 30 coins.  Through the month of April, and in conjunction with Easter, we have challenged our kids to collect 30 pieces of "silver" for BGMC.  Instead of using 30 silver coins to betray Christ, we're taking 30 pieces of silver to help spread the Gospel!  Everyone who brings 30 pieces of silver for a BGMC offering on May 4 will receive a prize!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

How about a cup of Kunjin Western Highlands coffee from Oddly Correct in Kansas City, MO?  My brother-in-law always says a good steak is done just so that a good vet could bring it back to life, and requires no sauce or added seasonings at the table.  Likewise, Oddly Correct allows no sugar or milk to be added to their coffee.  This coffee, from Papua New Guinea (a country I don't think we've had coffee from before), is buttery with a creamy body, toffee sweetness and ripe cherry fruitiness.  Enjoy!

We continued our "Uncensored Dating" series this week by taking a deeper look at ourselves.  To some extent, we all have this "compulsion for completion" - this internal desire for someone to enter our lives who will give us a meaningful identity and make us feel deeply whole.

But here's the uncensored truth: There are no shortcuts to personal growth and wholeness.  If you try to complete yourself through another person before you do the hard work of cultivating strong self-esteem on your own, every relationship will eventually end with disappointment and pain.  Why?  Because every relationship will be an unconscious attempt to complete yourself.  You see, the emptiness inside all of us is not a case of missing persons in our lives, but a case of incompleteness deep down in our own souls.

Even the best earthly relationships will fail us from time to time.  Every one of us needs to feel a deep sense of personal significance.  No amount of money, relationships, beauty, success, or fame can permanently satisfy that desire.  People in your life are meant to share it, not be it.  Only Jesus Christ can fulfill the "compulsion for completion" we're all hunting for.  Only God's love can make us truly whole from the inside out.

Parent-Teen Connect 
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed. Use one or two of these to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.

  1. Be honest, how strongly do you long for a "Mr. or Miss. Right"?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well are you doing at having a strong sense of self-esteem?  What are some things causing it NOT to be a 9 or 10?
  3. What have you tried to fill that sense of "incompleteness" deep inside yourself in the past?
  4. The people we love most have the capability of hurting us the deepest.  They have the potential to negatively impact or affect our sense of self-worth or self-esteem.  How do we prevent that from happening?
  5. Some of us have already experienced that kind of pain and our self-esteem has been damaged because of it.  Take a moment to share that story with your teen and solicit their stories.  Pain does not just go away.  It takes work to face it.  Talk about it and refuse to bury it.

Monday, April 14, 2014


We started a new series in Kids Church this week that will lead up to Easter.  This week we talked about Communion.  Jesus had a meal with his disciples right before he died.  Jesus took bread and broke it and told his disciples to remember what he was about to do.  He took his drink and passed it around and told his disciples his blood would but back our freedom so we could be friends with God again.

Jesus wants us to remember why he died.  When we take communion, we remember why Jesus died.  Jesus made a way for you to be friends with God today.

Connecting Points
Take turns discussing the following questions with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, whenever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What helps you remember stuff?
  2. Take a moment and read Matthew 26:20-29.  Why does Jesus want us to remember what he did and why he died?  Why do you think Jesus did what he did during the meal?
  3. How can someone have a friendship with God?  (Parents: Take a moment to share how you accepted Jesus to be the leader of your life.)
April BGMC Challenge - 30 Pieces of Silver
Judas, in Matthew 26:14-16, was willing to betray Jesus for 30 coins.  Through the month of April, and in conjunction with Easter, we have challenged our kids to collect 30 pieces of "silver" for BGMC.  Instead of using 30 silver coins to betray Christ, we're taking 30 pieces of silver to help spread the Gospel!  Everyone who brings 30 pieces of silver for a BGMC offering on May 4 will receive a prize!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

How about a cup of Saratoga Blend coffee from Cultiva Coffee in Lincoln, NE?  A secret blend of mostly Latin American beans, roasted a little way into the second crack, this cup of joe provides a big, bold, dark cup of pick-me-up.  Enjoy!

Each April I do some sort of series on sex, dating and relationships. Our youth affectionately refer to it as "The April Talk". This year, the focus of our April talk is Dating.  Why "uncensored"?  Too often, certain subjects, if discussed at all in church, are censored with typical religious talk.  Not here!  Not this series!  While some babble about theology and doctrine, our teenagers feel the "church" is disconnected from the "real world", where they face mounting questions about relationships in their life.  For those who dare to ask tough questions, I will dare to provide straight-up, no-nonsense answers.  No question, no subject matter is off-limits.

Last night, we started our talk by discussing the "need" for dating. We all have "hungry emotional needs" in our lives. Some of us are "hungry" to be appreciated. Some of us are "hungry" to be liked and valued. Some of us are "hungry" to belong to someone and feel special. The list goes on and on. When a certain emotional need is raw and "hungry", we are all capable of doing really stupid things to fill it up. A "hungry" need is a dangerous need. 

Here are a few additional key points: 
  • "In the last 20 years, we have not gone through a sexual revolution as much as a revolution in our search for intimacy." - Anson Mount (Playboy Philosophy
  • Many people today share their bodies because they are afraid to share themselves
  • If you try to find intimacy with another person before doing the hard work of achieving a sense of identity on your own, all your relationships will become a painful attempt to complete yourself. 
  • The three-word secret for happy dating is knowing that IT WON'T LAST. (Why would you give yourself away to someone you are going to break up with? 99.9% of all dating relationships do not last. 51% of teenage marriages end in divorce before the age of 24.) 
  • If you think the relationship you're in is meant to last a lifetime, you will do really stupid things to keep it alive. 
  • "How much you put into a dating relationship determines how much it will hurt when it ends." - Justin Lookadoo 
  • Puppy love often leads to a dog's life! 
Parent-Teen Connect 
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed. Use one or two of these to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens. 
  1. Why are teenagers so interested in dating? What are they really looking for? 
  2. What's the danger in "looking for love in all the wrong places"? 
  3. Read Genesis 25:27-34. What's the principal we learn from poor old Esau? How was his "hungry" need a dangerous need?
  4. Proverbs 4:23 says to "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." When have you seen someone brokenhearted from a relationship gone bad? Tell the story. 
  5.  Relationships are powerful and leave their mark, both positively and negatively. Relationally, who has positively marked you? What did they do/not do to influence your life in such a significant way?

BGMC: Peru

Got a little behind here as we did our 5th Sunday Family Service on March 30 and I was out to District Council this week.

Peru is on the western coast of South America.  Peru is a bit smaller than our biggest state, Alaska.

The first Assemblies of god missionaries arrived in 1919.  They went into mountain villages to preach and start churches.  At times, they were forced out of towns and pelted with stones.  But they kept on telling about Jesus' love and the power of the Holy Spirit to save people.

Today, 14 U.S. Assemblies of God missionaries work with the Peruvian Assemblies of God.  They teach in the Bible schools and plant churches.  More than 330,000 people meet to worship God in more than 4,000 churches.  6,000 ministers are serving these churches and reaching others, and 72 Bible schools around the country are training nearly 3,000 more students.

BGMC is helping reach the children in Peru by providing Royal Rangers materials, Missionettes (Girls Ministries) materials, and Sunday School materials.  BGMC is helping to disciple kids by providing the Peruvian edition of the King's Castle discipleship materials for kids ages 5-8.  BGMC has also helped with the expenses and supplies for various children's outreaches and children's crusades.

Snack: Canchita (Palomitas) - Popcorn!  Like many other places in the world, popcorn is fancied by children.  In Peru, there are numerious "popcorn" varities.  It's not only made from the usual popping corn, but also from large kernels corns, Kiwicha or quinoa (KEEN-wah) giving the good old popcorn a completely new, but interesting and very tasty touch.

Let's Pray....

  • for the kids of Peru, and for the children's workers and missionaries that work to teach them about Jesus.  Pray for the kids in the Latin America Child Care schools and for their families.
  • for the young people of Peru, especially those who struggle with drugs and alcohol.  Pray that they would find Jesus and He would set them free.
  • for pastors and for those who are starting new churches.  Pray that people will come to these churches to learn about Jesus.
April BGMC Challenge - 30 Pieces of SilverJudas, in Matthew 26:14-16, was willing to betray Jesus for 30 silver coins.  Through the month of April, and in conjunction with Easter, we have challenged our kids to collect 30 pieces of "silver" for BGMC.  Instead of using 30 silver coins to betray Christ, we're taking 30 pieces of silver to help spread the Gospel!  Everyone who brings 30 pieces of silver for a BGMC offering on May 4 will receive a prize!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This week in youth, we started with a very informal discussion that quickly led to talking about gangs.  Living in northeast Nebraska, where gang activity is minimal, I was a bit surprised, but this seemed to be the topic of interest this week. We talked about why people join gangs, why they stay and why it's often difficult to leave. About halfway through our night, I put in "The Cross and the Switchblade" (1970, MPAA Rating: PG). In spite of it being way old, the students were fully engaged and drawn in. There's violence, some drug use, some language, some short skirts and a guy in his underwear (nothing kids don't regularly see in today's culture), but the redemptive qualities of this movie are outstanding. The work of the Holy Spirit was definately evident in guiding our discussion and my showing this movie this week.

Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. If you committed crimes and went to jail (God forbid), what people or activities would you miss the most?
  2. Why do teenagers join gangs?
  3. What makes you feel "accepted" among your friends?
  4. What are some activities teenagers could get involved in instead of gangs?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


This was the last week of our CATCH series.  Over the past five weeks, we've  focused on the beginning of the church, the importance of being plugged in and CONNECTED to the body.  The life of Paul shows us how to ACCEPT and TREASURE others, face CHALLENGES when times get tough, and HONOR others as Jesus did.

Paul wrote to a church in a place named Thessalonica.  He was encouraging the church to be examples of Jesus by the way they acted toward other people.  Jesus talked about how what goes into our life eventually spills out of our life. The types of things we allow our eyes to see and our ears to hear become a part of who we are.  When we have Jesus in our heart, in our life, he fills us up on the inside - like a cup of water. When life around us gets hard or difficult, we can get angry or mad and stomp off, or we can be kind, loving and understanding of others.  When pushed and shoved our response is love!

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does honoring others look like?
  2. Talk about a time when you were treated unfairly and you responded with love or kindness.
  3. What can keep us from honoring others?
  4. How can God help you honor others?
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This morning, how about a Red Eye from Parisi Artisan Coffee, within the historic Union Station in Kansas City?  This cup of french-press coffee with an espresso kicker will certainly give you the kick you're looking for!  Enjoy!

We're into week three of our All In series.  This week: Rim Huggers.  It's one thing to have a state of the art fishing boat, with all the bells and whistles, all the creature comforts, all the gadgets, the biggest motor, all the latest and greatest equipment and the best fish finding technology money can buy.  It's another thing to actually fish.  It's one thing to stand on the edge of the Grand Canyon and marvel at its beauty.  It's another thing to hike 12 miles, through a one mile descent into the depths of the Grand Canyon and really experience it.  Similarly, there's a world of difference between knowing about God and knowing God.

You don't get to know God by looking at Him from a distance.  You have to hike into the depths of His mercy and power and love and grace!  All it takes is one daring decision.  That's all it ever takes.  It's all of you for all of Him.  It's time to go all in by going all out.

Parent-Teen ConnectTake turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Tell about an epic adventure you engaged in and how you experienced what it felt like to "hike the canyon" instead of "hug the rim."
  2. What does it look like when Christians spend more time talking about faith and less time actually following Jesus?
  3. Read James 1:22-25 together.  What is one biblical truth that you are not obeying?  What do you need to do to be a doer of the Word in this specific area and not deceive yourself?

Monday, March 17, 2014


Being a Christian can sometimes be a really big challenge.  Sometimes when things get tough, we give up easily and stop trying.  We must always remember God is with us in good times and tough times.  If we rely on our own strength, we may get discouraged and give up.  If we rely on God's strength in us, we will be able to "press on" and keep going.

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does a challenging time look like?
  2. How can we respond to challenging times?
  3. What can distract us from trusting God when difficult circumstances enter our life?
  4. How can we trust God in challenging times?
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This morning, how about your favorite cup of black coffee?  Sure, you can add cream or sugar if you'd like.  Enjoy!

We're into the second week of our All In series.  This week: Charge!  On July 2, 1863, Col. Joshua Chamberlain and his 300 soldier regiment were all that was left between the Confederates and certain defeat for the Union at the Battle of Gettysburg.  At 2:30pm, the Confederate Army charged, but Chamberlain and his army held their ground.  It was followed by a second, third, fourth and fifth charge.  Only 80 Union soldiers survived.  In that moment, Chamberlain, a 34 year old school teacher, took a stand that would change history.  Rather than surrender, without reinforcements and with only one round of ammunition per soldier, Chamberlain climbed onto a stone, and gave the command to charge!  With fixed bayonets, his men charged an army that vastly outnumbered them.  That day, they won what ranks as one of the most improbable victories in military history.  80 Union soldiers captured 4,000 Confederate soldiers in 5 minutes flat.  It is believed that if Chamberlain had not taken his stand at Gettysburg, the battle would have been lost, and with it, the war.

Many people play it safe, retreat when things get tough, and slip into predictable and familiar patters.  Christians who are ALL IN take risks, charge forward even when it is tough, and are willing to try new things if there is a chance it will forward the cause of Jesus Christ.

Parent-Teen ConnectTake turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Tell about a time when felt outnumbered, shot at, or knocked down.  How did you respond in that difficult life situation?  How did you experience God's presence with you?
  2. What are ways you see the church charging forward and making a difference for Jesus Christ in the world today?
  3. How can you engage in the ministry of our local church in a way that will forward the powerful work of Jesus Christ in our community?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


About 10 years ago, our family took up Geocaching as a hobby.  In a nutshell, it's using billion dollar satellites in space to find Tupperware in the woods.  To date, we've found 489 "TREASURES", some smaller than a thimble, some big enough for me to fit inside.   There's 150 of them in Norfolk!  To our kids, it's a modern day TREASURE hunt; such a fun family activity.
Most of the things we find while Geocaching aren't very valuable, but when we TREASURE something, we care for it like a TREASURE.  God wants us to care for other people like TREASURE.  Most people are only concerned with their own needs and often forget about others around them  But God TREASURES everyone, so we should too!  We need to see others as God sees them - as incredibly important people.  Some of the ways we can do that include being friendly, being courteous and being helpful.

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does treasuring others feel like?  Talk about a time someone really made you feel special.  Why does it make us feel so good when others treasure us?
  2. What does treasuring others look like?  How would you describe someone who treasures another person?
  3. How can you show others you care for them this week?

March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This morning, how about a Mint Momma from Big Momma's Coffee and Espresso Bar in Springfield, MO?  Two shots of espresso, steamed milk, dark chocolate and frosted mint syrup.  Enjoy!

This week we started a new series this week called All In, based on a book by the same name, written by Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor at National Community Church in Washington, DC. The Gospel costs nothing. You can’t earn it or buy it. It can only be received as a free gift compliments of God’s grace. It doesn’t cost anything, but it demands everything. It demands that we go “All In,” a term that simply means placing all that you have into God’s hands. Pushing it All In. No one has ever sacrificed anything for God. If you always get back more than you gave up, have you sacrificed anything at all? The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice. At the end of the day, our greatest regret will be whatever we didn’t give back to God. What we didn’t push back across the table to Him. Eternity will reveal that holding out is losing out. The message of All In is simple: if Jesus is not Lord of all then Jesus is not Lord at all. It’s all or nothing.
This Week - Now or Never: Pack Your Coffin
A century ago, a band of brave souls became known as one-way missionaries.  They purchased single tickets to the mission field without the return half.  And instead of suitcases, they packed their few earthly belongings into coffins.  As they sailed out of port, they waved good-bye to everyone they loved, everything they knew.  They knew they'd never return home.  They went All In and all out for the All In All.
Here are a few key points:
  • Sinfulness is selfishness.  It's putting your desires, your needs, your plans above all else.  You may still seek God, but you don't seek Him first.
  • You are only one decision away from a totally different life.  It will probably be the toughest decision, but if you have the courage to completely surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, there is no telling what God will do.
  • The complete surrender of your life to the cause of Christ isn't radical.  It's normal.
Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens. 
  1. If you packed everything you needed to follow Jesus for the rest of your life into a wooden coffin, what would you take with you?
  2. Who's following who?  Are you following Jesus, or have you just invited Jesus to follow you?
  3. Pray this prayer together.  "Lord, what do You want me to do with my life?"
  4. Read Joshua 3:5 together.  Consecration means to be set apart.  It demands full devotion.  It's dethroning yourself and enthroning Jesus Christ.  It's giving all of you to all of Him.  What does consecration look like in your life?
  5. What is one step you need to take in the coming days to consecrate yourself to and for God?

Monday, March 3, 2014

BGMC: Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a small country located just above the northwest corner of China.  Kyrgyzstan is the size of the state of Nebraska!

The first United States Assemblies of God missionary couple arrived in 1995.  In 1996, Assemblies of God missionaries opened a Bible college in Bishkek to train new leaders.  Some have already graduated and become pastors.  Today, 10 workers help with the 32 churches, their pastors, and 2,000 members in Kyrgyzstan.  Two Bible schools are teaching 46 new students as well.

BGMC has been a big help to the Bible schools in Kyrgyzstan by providing the translation and printing of needed textbooks and library books.  BGMC has also helped to translate and print various children's books.

Teen Challenge has a center to help those addicted to drugs and alcohol.  BGMC has helped the Teen Challenge center with repairs and remodeling.  BGMC has also helped provide supplies for a women's and children's center.

BGMC is helping to reach the kids in Kyrgyzstan by providing the money to put grass on a ball field and providing baseball equipment to teach kids about baseball.  Sport camps are opening doors to telling kids about Jesus!

Snack: Atkanchay (Kyrgyz Tea, made with tea, milk, butter, sour cream and salt) and Flat Bread (also called Uzbek Bread, being as popular in Uzbekistan as it is in Kyrgyzstan.
Let's Pray....

  • for the health and safety of the workers and pastors in Kyrgyzstan.
  • for new churches and freedom of worship.
  • for the kids of Kyrgyzstan, that they will learn that Jesus loves them and died for them.
  • for the Mission of Mercy Children's Home, that their needs will be provided and that many children can be reached through them.
March Missions Madness - Lost Change for Lost Souls
Who can bring the most change in April 6?  Search your home, car, couch, washing machine, dresser drawers, etc. for "lost change."  By giving this "lost change" to BGMC, lost souls will be reached with the gospel.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

This morning, how about a Grande Triple-Shot Sugar-Free Vanilla Carmel Machiatto.  Freshly steamed milk with vanilla-flavored syrup, marked with espresso and finished with caramel sauce.  This is my personal favorite drink from The 'Bucks.  Enjoy! 

Our final week of TwentyEight.  Hopefully, you were able to keep up and finish the Acts Challenge with us: read through one chapter of the Book of Acts each day and pray the date.  For example, today, February 28, we will read Acts 28 and pray for 28 minutes.

This Week: The Conversion

The story of Saul's conversion in Acts 9 is one of my favorite passages of Scripture.  Saul was present when Stephen was killed in Acts 7.  He actively imprisoned and killed men and women who worshipped Jesus Christ.  His hatred for Christians was such that he ventured out from Jerusalem and sought to kill Christians several days journey away.  And yet, this man would become one of the greatest Christians and preachers the world has ever seen.  He would go on to write over a third of the New Testament.  He'd have more books written about him than any other character in the Bible, except Jesus.  He founded churches.  He could go to a place for three to four weeks, start a church and appoint leaders.  He was thrown in prison and beaten half to death.  He risked it all for the sake of the Gospel.

Take a moment to read about Saul's conversion in Acts 9:1-19.  What's so special about this story?  What can we learn from it?
  1. It teaches us that Christianity is about change, and that God can change anybody.
  2. It teaches us that there's a difference between having a relationship and being religious.
  3. It teaches us that there is something significant about the patience, mercy and grace of God.
Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed. Use one or two of these to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moment - at home, in the car, wherever. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Tell about the moment you came to know Jesus Christ.  Tell about your conversion. 
  2. Did God save you from a life of sin, or did He keep you from a life of sin?
  3. Read Acts 9:16, Acts 20:22-23, and 2 Corinthians 11:23-27.  How have you "suffered" because of your decision to follow Christ?
PS - Given today's cup of coffee, this seems appropriate! 

Monday, February 24, 2014


Sometimes we expect a person to act like a Christian just because they go to church.  Going to church doesn't make someone a Christian any more than going to the beach makes someone a fish.

It's dangerous when people think they are Christians merely because they act like one.  The Bible talks a lot about what it takes to become a Christian.  It's not about being good or acting like a Christina would act.  It's about ACCEPTING what God has done for us and knowing that He will do the same for others.  He ACCEPTED us.  We can ACCEPT others.

Becoming a Christian means admitting we have not lived up to God's expectation, asking for his forgiveness, and then ACCEPTING Jesus to be the leader of our life.  Admit, Ask, and ACCEPT are the steps to beginning a new friendship with God.

Seeing is believing - sometimes.  Remember the story of Saul?  He had given the Christians such a hard time, no one believed he had become a Christian.  Check it out in Acts 9:26-28.

Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. If someone offered you a gift, would you ACCEPT it even though you didn't know what it was?  Why or why not?  How do you think it would make them feel if you rejected their gift without opening it?
  2. What does ACCEPTING others look like?
  3. Why should we ACCEPT someone if they are not a Christian yet?
  4. How does Jesus make a person a Christian?
  5. How can I show others I ACCEPT them?

BGMC Challenge for February:  Who can bring the most pennies on March 2?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

How about a Nutella Latte from Café Con Leche Espresso Bar in Toronto's Junction neighborhood.  Brewed coffee, almond milk, and a teaspoon of Nutella, this drink is rich and sweet, but not too sweet, with a dark hazelnutty finish.  Enjoy!

Week three of our series: TwentyEight. Don't forget our Acts Challenge: Read through one chapter of the Book of Acts each day and pray the date. For example, today, February 20, we will read Acts 20 and pray for 20 minutes. 

After leaving the basketball, playing baseball, then returning to basketball, a reporter asked Michael Jordan if he thought he could still play at the level he left, making 32 points per game.  His response was, "That's only eight points per quarter!  I can do that!"  If praying 20 minutes a day seems like an impossible task, how about five minutes, four times a day?

Last Night: The Message

Right after the Holy Spirit is poured out on everyone on the day of Pentecost, a crowd gathered and Peter stood up, spoke loudly and addressed the people.  This was the first sermon on the day the church was born.  So, what was the message?  It wasn't the Law of Moses.  It wasn't, "if you obey the commandments, if you do this or that, if you don't do this, if you obey enough, you'll go to Heaven."  It wasn't the ceremony.  It wasn't, "you have to go to church three times a week and twice on Sunday, you have to become a member of this church or that church."  No, the message was simply Jesus.  Jesus lived.  Jesus was endorsed by God in the miracles He performed.  Jesus died.  God raised Him from the dead.  Jesus now sits at the right hand of God.  Jesus is coming again.  Jesus.  Jesus.  Jesus.

Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed. Use one or two of these to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moment - at home, in the car, wherever. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Why is the name "Jesus" so offensive to people today?  I can talk about God all day and not offend someone, but the moment I mention the name of Jesus, someone's going to get upset.
  2. Do "Christian" songs on the radio, do worship songs, does preaching reflect the name of Jesus today?
  3. What's our role in sharing the message of Jesus with others?

Monday, February 17, 2014


This week, we started a new series in Kids Church called CATCH, where we'll be focusing on how we can CATCH God's vision to work and grow together! 
This week, we talked about the importance of being Connected to the body.  The church is like a body and the body is like the church, it's supposed to work together.

"The way God designed out bodies is a model for understanding our lives together as a church: every part dependent on every other part..."  (1 Corinthians 12:25a, MSG)

God wants us to be connected with other believers so we can support and encourage each other.  A great way to connect with another believer is to share what God is doing in your life.
Connecting Points
Take turns doing the following items with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does being Connected look like?
  2. How has someone been an encouragement to you?
  3. How can you encourage others?
  4. Why does God want us to be connected with other believers?
  5. How can I connect with others this week?

BGMC Challenge for February:  Who can bring the most pennies on March 2?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

How about a shot of Caffe Del Sol from Caffe Vida, in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle, WA? This espresso blend is rich and complex with aromas of dark chocolate, butterscotch and praline. A deep, silky, amber crema with a sweet, caramel finish. Enjoy! 

Week two of our series: TwentyEight. Don't forget our Acts Challenge: Read through one chapter of the Book of Acts each day and pray the date. For example, today, February 13, we will read Acts 13 and pray for 13 minutes.

Last Night: Everyone.  In Acts 2:4, Luke records, "And EVERYONE present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, or in other tongues, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability." Later, in Acts verses 17-21 it states, "‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon ALL people...sons and daughters...young men...old and women alike...everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’” Everyone and all are extreme words. They are absolute. There is no room for exception. The fact is, EVERYONE who says yes to God, EVERYONE who follows Christ, EVERYONE is eligible to receive the power of the Holy Spirit.

Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week. Create meaningful conversation. Adjust questions as needed. Use one or two of these to begin a conversation. Look for teachable moment - at home, in the car, wherever. Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. Have you ever felt left out of something? Like you didn't fit, didn't belong or weren't accepted?  How did that make you feel?
  2. How do you feel when you're included?
  3. What does it mean that God will pour out His Spirit on ALL people?

Monday, February 10, 2014


When we share the difference Jesus has made in our life with someone else, it’s like we are scattering seeds.  God wants us to share his love with as many people as we can.  The more seeds we scatter, the more hearts will hear it and turn to God.
One of the things that can keep us from sharing Jesus with our friends is fear.  We might be afraid of what someone else might think or say . Fear is like a weed.  If we don’t get rid of it, it just grows and grows.  In order to scatter the seeds we must learn to pull the weeds of fear.

God has given you friends who do not know Him.  Helping scatter seeds might mean inviting a friend to come to church with you so they can hear about how to have a relationship with Jesus.

Connecting Points
Take turns answering the following questions with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. Young or old, sometimes we have to ask for help.  Tell about a time where you couldn't do someone alone and had to ask for help to get it done.
  2. What causes you to be afraid to ask for help?
  3. How can you overcome fear and share Jesus with others?
BGMC Challenge for February:  Who can bring the most pennies on March 2?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday Morning Coffee Break

How about a chocolate hazelnut breve - rich espresso with steamed half and half - from Caribou Coffee to start our day?  Enjoy! 

We started a new series in youth last night called TwentyEight.  We've done this for quite a number of years now, where we take the month of February and challenge our youth to read one chapter from an assigned book of the Bible each day of the month.  I also teach from that book throughout the month.  This year, we're doing the book of Acts.  In addition to the reading challenge, we're also challenging our students to pray the date.  For example, today, February 6, we will read Acts 6 and pray for 6 minutes.

Last Night: The Visitation

Last night we talked about four places the Holy Spirit showed up in the book of Acts.
  1. Acts 2:1-4 (At the birth of the church.)
  2. Acts 3:19-20 (After people turned from their sins and turned to God.)
  3. Acts 4:31 (After people prayed.)
  4. Acts 10:44-45 (While Peter was preaching.)
Here are a couple of key points:
  • The Holy Spirit cannot be manipulated.  He shows up when and where He wants.
  • The Holy Spirit is omnipresent - everywhere at one time - but there's a difference in Him being there and showing up; making Himself known, manifesting Himself to a person or group.
  • The Holy Spirit was sent to prove to people that God is real.
  • God sent the Holy Spirit so that we could experience God.
  • God sent the Holy Spirit so we could experience refreshment and restoration.
Parent-Teen Connect
Take turns answering and discussing the following questions with your teens this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust questions as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moment - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your teens.
  1. The Holy Spirit is often the forgotten Godhead (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - we even list Him last there.)  Our worship songs aren't often directed toward Him.  Our prayers aren't often directed toward Him.  We don't talk about Him as much.  Why is that?
  2. When you hear "The Holy Spirit" what do you think?
  3. There's difference between knowing God, or knowing about God, and experiencing God.  How have you found that to be true?
  4. Talk about a time you truly experienced God - the Holy Spirit.  When was the last time you had a visitation by the Holy Spirit?
  5. Following Christ includes fighting battles, getting tired, experiencing stress, getting hurt, experiencing pain, feeling alone.  In those moments, how have you experienced the Holy Spirit providing refreshment and restoration?

Monday, February 3, 2014

Care - BGMC: Madagascar


At some point every kid says, "That's not fair!"  To which, many parents will respond, "Life's not fair!"  It's true, life doesn't seem fair sometimes.  God is concerned with how we respond when life hands us disappointments.

When friends don't treat us well, it's natural to want to treat them badly too, but God says if we are Christians, He can help us treat people with care, even when they don't treat us well.

Connecting Points
Take turns answering the following questions with your kids this week.  Create meaningful conversation.  Adjust as needed.  Use one or two of these to begin a conversation.  Look for teachable moments - at home, in the car, wherever.  Pray and ask God to provide you opportunities to have spiritual conversations with your kids.
  1. What does being treated unfairly feel like?
  2. Have you ever been treated unfairly?  What happened?
  3. How can we respond to someone that has hurt us?
  4. How does sharing show someone we care about them?
  5. How can we show care to others this week?
We can reflect God's love to others by how we care and share with them.  It is especially important to be a caring example to someone who does not know Jesus yet.

BGMC: Madagascar

Caring and sharing are common themes in Madagascar too! 

A well-known Malagasy proverb is "Even one grasshopper is to be shared."  Most Malagasies are quite poor, but no matter how little they have, they share with others.  People share a lot of time together too, just visiting.  When friends come by, Mother sets out mats to sit on and serves tea and some small snacks.

Whenever a cousin or neighbor needs something, the family does their best to help.  Staying close to family and friends is more important to them than money and things . As another proverb says, "Better to lose money than to lose a relationship."

American Assembly of God missionaries came to Madagascar in 1990.  They preached and began new churches.  Today, nine US AG missionaries work in Madagascar.  They teach in the Bible school programs and have helped get a study Bible translated into Malagasy. BGMC helps the Bible school by providing schoolbooks, library books, and other supplies the school needs.

The AG also runs an orphanage for children, elementary schools, and a clinic!  BGMC has been a big help in providing supplies for the orphanages in Madagascar.  BGMC has also provided funding to help put in a cistern for clean water.

Snack: Fruit!
Malagasy kids eat very simply, and they enjoy a lot of fruit. The most popular fruits are mangos, bananas, pineapple, and oranges.

Next time you eat fruit, remember to pray for the Malagasy!

Let's Pray....
  • for our missionaries in Madagascar, that God will keep them safe and healthy.
  • for the pastors and churches.  Many are very poor, but they don’t give up.  Pray that God will protect and bless them.
  • for the kids, that they will learn to love Jesus and to follow the Bible and not false beliefs.
  • for the kids in the Madagascar Orphanage and for those who need a home.
  • for the Bible schools and training programs.
February BGMC Challenge:  Who can bring the most pennies on March 2?